I never told ya'll about how I marched in a Peace Parade on Palm Sunday. It was my first experience with direct involvement in social action. I was suprised at how much fun it was. There was no anger or force; we weren't even overly serious. We were sending out a powerful message, but I was just walking with my friends from Pasadena Mennonite and Fuller Seminary. There were a few encouraging car honks along the way and lots of staring, but I don't mind attention (as you probably know). We walked with signs, such as the ones below, and palm branches. I stole my sign from Kent. I love it because it brings the issue of torture, human rights and violence very close to home. It also made realize how simple social action can be when you are part of a community seeking justice. We did it together, and it was fun and easy. I would never have done had I not know Wess, Barry, Holly, and lots of others were going to meet me and walk with me. In fact, I was later invited to go to a candlelight vigil in L.A. by Barry, which I wouldn't have known about or had the courage to go to without him. Sadly, I couldn't go.

Good job Joy!
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